This is a mirrored version of this page with minimal css applied to make it easier to read. If you find this useful, consider subscribing to Dan's patreon.
- xx/xxPatreon posts
- 10/24Steve Ballmer was an underrated CEO
- 08/24How good can you be at Codenames without knowing any words?
- 06/24A discussion of discussions on AI bias
- 05/24What the FTC got wrong in the Google antitrust investigation
- 03/24How web bloat impacts users with slow devices
- 02/24Diseconomies of scale in fraud, spam, support, and moderation
- 02/24Why it's impossible to agree on what's allowed
- 01/24Notes on Cruise's pedestrian accident
- 01/24Why do people post on [bad platform] instead of [good platform]?
- 12/23How bad are search results? Let's compare Google, Bing, Marginalia, Kagi, Mwmbl, and ChatGPT
- 09/22Futurist prediction methods and accuracy
- 04/22In defense of simple architectures
- 03/22Why is it so hard to buy things that work well?
- 02/22Misidentifying talent
- 02/22A decade of major cache incidents at Twitter
- 02/22Cocktail party ideas
- 12/21The container throttling problem
- 12/21Some thoughts on writing
- 12/21Some latency measurement pitfalls
- 11/21Major errors on this blog (and their corrections)
- 11/21Individuals matter
- 11/21Culture matters
- 10/21Willingness to look stupid
- 10/21What to learn
- 10/21Some reasons to work on productivity and velocity
- 09/21The value of in-house expertise
- 08/21Measurement, benchmarking, and data analysis are underrated
- 12/20Against essential and accidental complexity
- 06/20How do cars do in out-of-sample crash testing?
- 05/20A simple way to get more value from tracing
- 05/20A simple way to get more value from metrics
- 03/20How (some) good corporate engineering blogs are written
- 03/20The growth of command line options, 1979-Present
- 02/20Suspicious discontinuities
- 02/2095%-ile isn't that good
- 01/20Algorithms interviews: theory vs. practice
- 07/19Files are fraught with peril
- 02/19Randomized trial on gender in Overwatch
- 12/17Computer latency: 1977-2017
- 11/17How good are decisions? Evaluating decision quality in domains where evaluation is easy
- 11/17How out of date are Android devices?
- 11/17UI backwards compatibility
- 10/17Filesystem error handling
- 10/17Keyboard latency
- 08/17Branch prediction
- 08/17Sattolo's algorithm
- 07/17Terminal latency
- 06/17The widely cited studies on mouse vs. keyboard efficiency are completely bogus
- 06/17Startup options v. cash
- 02/17How web bloat impacts users with slow connections
- 10/16HN: the good parts
- 10/16Programming book recommendations and anti-recommendations
- 10/16Hiring and the market for lemons
- 10/16I could do that in a weekend!
- 09/16Is dev compensation bimodal?
- 09/16How I learned to program
- 08/16Notes on concurrency bugs
- 04/16Some programming blogs to consider reading
- 04/16Google SRE book
- 03/16We only hire the trendiest
- 01/16Sampling v. tracing
- 01/16We saw some really bad Intel CPU bugs in 2015 and we should expect to see more in the future
- 12/15Normalization of deviance
- 12/15Big companies v. startups
- 12/15Files are hard
- 11/15Why use ECC?
- 11/15What's worked in Computer Science: 1999 v. 2015
- 11/15Infinite disk
- 10/15Why Intel added cache partitioning
- 09/15Slowlock
- 08/15Steve Yegge's prediction record
- 08/15Reading postmortems
- 05/15Slashdot and Sourceforge
- 05/15The googlebot monopoly
- 05/15A defense of boring languages
- 05/15Advantages of monorepos
- 05/15We used to build steel mills near cheap power. Now that's where we build datacenters
- 03/15Reading citations is easier than most people think
- 03/15Given that we spend little on testing, how should we test software?
- 03/15What happens when you load a URL?
- 03/15Goodhearting IQ, cholesterol, and tail latency
- 02/15AI doesn't have to be very good to displace humans
- 02/15CPU backdoors
- 01/15Blog monetization
- 01/15What's new in CPUs since the 80s?
- 12/14A review of the Julia language
- 12/14Integer overflow checking cost
- 12/14Malloc tutorial
- 12/14Markets, discrimination, and "lowering the bar"
- 11/14TF-IDF linux commits
- 11/14One week of bugs
- 11/14Speeding up this site by 50x
- 11/14How often is the build broken?
- 11/14Literature review on the benefits of static types
- 11/14CLWB and PCOMMIT
- 11/14Caches: LRU v. random
- 11/14Testing v. informal reasoning
- 10/14Assembly v. intrinsics
- 04/14Data-driven bug finding
- 03/14Editing binaries
- 03/14That bogus gender gap article
- 03/14That time Oracle tried to have a professor fired for benchmarking their database
- 02/14Why don't schools teach debugging?
- 01/14Do programmers need math?
- 01/14Data alignment and caches
- 12/13PCA is not a panacea
- 11/13Why hardware development is hard
- 10/13How to discourage open source contributions
- 10/13Randomize HN
- 09/13Writing safe Verilog
- 09/13Verilog is weird
↑ Public posts
↓Patreon posts
- 10/24Concussions and modern medicine/a>
- 07/24Exercises in benchmarking and experimental design, part 2
- 07/24What's wrong with Crockford's "universal number" DEC64 type?
- 06/24Exercises in benchmarking, part 1
- 06/24How the viral monthly "everything sucks" rant is wrong (draft)
- 06/24The cost of construction in Vancouver
- 05/24Greedy landlords, lazy athletes, and other simple moral explanations
- 04/24How long before formal methods are widely used in software engineering?
- 03/24Programmer moneyball in practice
- 03/24Notes on the 2012 FTC staff memo on a potential Google antitrust case (draft)
- 03/24How many people want low quality search results?
- 02/24Reports of Microsoft's death are greatly exaggerated
- 01/24Brotli curiosities
- 01/24Why do people post on [bad platform] instead of [good platform]? (draft)
- 12/23How good are decisions, Elo edition
- 11/23Richsplaining
- 11/22Big company layoff stories
- 10/22A cloud migration story from a car company
- 10/22How do commenters coordinate their independent "obviously" wrong answers?
- 08/22Against epistemic learned helplessness
- 08/22You just have to be right, don't you?
- 04/22Stories of source code loss
- 02/22Pop analogies
- 02/22Ironic, self-refuting, rebuttals
- 01/22Doing good engineering with bad mental models
- 01/22The backlash against doing work (no, not that one)
- 12/21My style vs. monetization
- 12/21Phrases that mean their opposite
- 11/21Cost of living adjustments and location-based pay
- 11/21Writing down the most obvious things
- 08/21On Alan Kay's claim that computers would be 1000x faster if we listened to him
- 07/21Some reasons to measure (draft)
- 03/21What to learn? (draft)
- 01/21The glorification of elite teams
- 09/20What does it mean that some Google execs think they gave away the farm with k8s?
- 07/20You'd have to be very smart to come up with that
- 06/20Reactions to the NYT's potential doxxing of Scott Alexander
- 06/20Why are you still working?
- 05/20Blog posts I'm not publishing
- 02/20Another case against taking startup employee equity
- 12/19Working at an ad supported company (or not)
- 11/19Startup vs. big company compensation in practice
- 09/19We're just like a tech company
- 08/19Buying a house as an investment
- 07/19Kyle Petty on Danica Patrick
- 06/19The "production ready" duality
- 06/19Files, the talk
- 06/19A surprising thing (to me) about bay area groupthink
- 05/19Baseball scouting reports
- 05/19"Caisson", the company
- 04/19Interviews in practice, part 2
- 04/19A puzzle about prestige
- 03/19Dustin Curtis and Donald Knuth
- 02/19Algorithms interviews in practice
- 12/18What's so bad about JIRA?
- 11/18The fallacy of corporate intent
- 10/18Willful ignorance in management
- 09/18What's up with Google's Spanner SLA?
- 08/18What's going on with Qualcomm's server team?
- 08/18Why is bridge declining?
- 05/18Online games after a 20 year break
- 03/18On being in it for the money
- 02/18We can move as fast as any startup
- 01/18Linus's rants
- 01/18Internet comments
- 12/17Information asymmetry plus monopsony hiring power
- 11/17Concision vs. pre-emptive nitpicking defenses
- 10/17An unintended consequence of company propoganda
- 08/17What do interview questions actually measure?
- 07/17Bootcamp vs. College
- 07/17Attrition
- 07/17Relative vs. absolute
- 06/17Patreon "blog"