These were some notes my partner and I used when I played bridge for a few months in 2018. I picked up bridge again in late 2013 and am playing a different system but, since this page still gets some traffic, I'm leaving it up.
Basic 1♣ (16+ or 17+ balanced)
- 1♦: 0-7
- 1♥: 4+ card major (MAFIA), forcing for 1 round
- 1♠ (over 1♥): 4+ spades, denies 4 hearts, forcing
- 1NT: 1444 "likely", NF
- 2m: 4+ in minor, could be 5/4 or 4/5, NF
- 2♥: 6+ hearts
- 2♠: 4 spades, 16-17 or 3 spades, 16-19
- 2NT: 21-22, likely 0-1 spades
- 3m: 5m/4♥, GF
- 3♥: "long good suit", invitational (somehow better than 2♥)
- 3♠: 3 spades, 20-21 or 4 spades, 18-19
- 3NT: to play
- 4♥: to play
- 4m: splinter (shortness); 4+ spades, 20+
- 1NT: 0-5 HCP, denying 4 card support, denying 4 spades
- Pass: maybe/likely 1444, NF
- 2m: 4+ in minor, could be 5/4 or 4/5, NF
- 2♥: 6+ hearts, usually
- 2♠: like a reverse. 21+ HCP, 5+ hearts, 4 spades
- 2NT: 22-23, NF
- 3m: 5+m/4♥, GF
- 3♥: "long good suit", invitational (somehow better than 2♥)
- 3♠: 3 spades, 20-21 or 4 spades, 18-19
- 3NT: to play
- 4♥: to play
- 4m: splinter (shortness); 4+ spades, 20+
- 1♠ (over 1♥): 4+ spades, denies 4 hearts, forcing
- 1NT: 17-19
- same responses at 1NT opening
- 2NT: 22-24 (would've opened 2NT with 20-21)
- same responses at 2NT opening
- 3NT: 25-27
- 1♥: 4+ card major (MAFIA), forcing for 1 round
TODO: continue notes from top of pp. 20.
After 1♦-2♣/2♦
If balanced, priority bid by opener is 2♥ to hide info in case of 3NT (except for 1♦-2♦-2NT/3NT). Can reveal support later if responder indicates slam interest.
If unbalanced (singleton/void), opener should bid 2♠ or 3♣ or (very rarely, when applicable) 3M.
- 2♦ (over 2♣): 5 or more diamonds, unbalanced, denies 4+♣
- 2M: semi-natural, confirms GF
- 3♣/3♦: non-forcing, presumably natural
- 2♥: 11-13 balanced.
- 2♠: puppet to 2NT
- 2NT: forced, responder wants this when responder has junk in majors to protect majors from initial lead
- 3m: GF, slam interest
- 3M: 6+ of minor, exactly 4 of major (with 5 of minor or major, initial response is 1M, with 6/5, would have responded to 2H with major and not puppeted to 2NT)
- 3NT: to play, wanted opener to declare
- 2NT: forced, responder wants this when responder has junk in majors to protect majors from initial lead
- 2NT: slam interest, balanced, asks for 4-card major
- 3 of same minor (or 3♣ after 2♦): invite, non-forcing
- 3 of major: 6 of minor, 5 of major, GF
- 3NT: to play
- 2♠: puppet to 2NT
- 2♠: 4-card support, undisclosed splinter for responder's minor, GF (can't be short diamonds)
- 2NT: asking bid for shortness
- 3♦: short ♠
- 3♥: short ♥
- 3♠: short ♣
- 2NT: asking bid for shortness
- 2NT (over 2♣): 4441, minimum
- 3NT (over 2♣): 4441, maximum
- 2NT (over 2♦): 6 diamonds balanced, minimum
- 3NT (over 2♦): 6 diamonds balanced, maximum
- 3♣: 3 in responder's minor, 5 in other minor, 4-card major. GF
- 3♦: asks for major
- 3♦: 6+♦, very good suit, GF
- 3M: 6♦, 5 of major
If responder is a passed hand (limited to 10HCP):
- Pass: to play, may even do this in a misfit
- 2♦ (over 2♣): to play, may even do this in a misfit
- 2NT: can't tolerate ♦/♣, to play
- anything else: natural, game interest
After 1♦-2♥/2♠ (reverse Flannery)
2♥: 5♠, 4 or 5♥, 6-9HCP. 2♠: 5♠, 4 or 5♥, invitational. As responder, do not use Flannery with GF hand. Instead, respond 1♠, and continue as normal.
- Pass: to play
- 2♠ (over 2♥): to play
- 2NT: game interest, asking for shape and points
- 3♣: 5♠-4♥, min
- 3♦: 5♠-4♥, max
- 3♥: 5♠-5♥, min
- 3♠: 5♠-5♥, max
- 3♣: 5-5 minors, asking responder to set contract. No game interest
- 3♦: showing diamonds, presumably 6+?
- game contract: to play
After 2♣-2♦
- 2♥: have a 4-card major
- 2♠: asking for 4-card major (structure is ♥low/♠low/♥max/♠max)
- 2NT/3♣: hearts/spades, 10-13HCP
- Pass: sign off
- 3♣ (over 2NT): sign off
- 3 of opener's major: game invite
- 3 of other major: slam try in opener's major
- game: to play
- 3♦/♥: hearts/spades, 14-15HCP, GF
- 3 of opener's suits: slam try
- game: to play
- 2NT/3♣: hearts/spades, 10-13HCP
- 2NT: natural invite
- 3♣: natural invite
- 3♦: slam try in clubs
- 2♠: asking for 4-card major (structure is ♥low/♠low/♥max/♠max)
- 2♠: medium or maximum, no 4-card major
- 2NT: asking bid
- 3♣: medium
- 3♦: maximum, singleton/void diamonds
- 3♥: maximum, singleton/void hearts
- 3♠: maximum, singleton/void spades
- 3NT: maximum, balanced (couldn't have been short clubs with 2♣ opening)
- 3♣: sign off, to play. Opener required to pass
- 3♦: slam try in clubs
- 3M: 5 cards exactly
- 2NT: asking bid
- 2NT: maximum, no 4-card major, stoppers in both majors
- 3♦: slam try in clubs
- 3M: 5 cards exactly
- 3♣: minimum hand, no 4-card major
- 3♦: slam try in clubs
- 3M: 5 cards exactly
- 3♦/3M: 5-card suit (in addition to 6+ clubs), GF
3M responses are exactly 5 because responder would've responded to opening bid with 3♣/3♦/3♥ invitational transfers with 6+.
After 2♣-2NT
- 3♣: required (2NT is puppet, either pre-emptive raise or 5-5 GF hand)
- 3♦: 5-5 hearts-spades
- 3♥: 5-5 diamonds-spades
- 3♠: 5-5 diamonds-hearts
There isn't a need to show 5 clubs because, with a 5-club GF hand, responder would've bid 2♦ followed by 3♦ for a slam try in clubs
After 2♦-2NT
2NT is an asking bid. With 5 of a major and 7-9HCP, responder can respond with 3M. If invitational and looking for 5-3/4-4/5-4 fit (or NT game), can respond 2NT.
- 3♣: minimum, any shape
- 3♦: asks for 3-card major
- 3M: shows 3-card major 4315 or 3415 shape
- 3NT: 4-4 in the majors, 4414 or 4405 shape
- anything else: sign off
- 3♦: asks for 3-card major
- 3♦: maximum, 4-4 in the majors, GF
- 3M: flag, subsequent bids are control bids
- 3NT: to play
- 3M: maximum, shows 3-card major